Announcing HARO’s Free Curriculum, “Child Abuse Awareness 101 for Homeschoolers”

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cover1The goal of HARO’s Child Abuse Awareness 101 for Homeschoolers curriculum is simple:

To empower and equip you and your homeschool community with the information necessary to recognizing and fighting child abuse.

We developed this curriculum — which includes both an instructor guide and attendee packets — to teach your homeschooling community how to do the following:

1) Define the major types of child abuse and neglect

2) Recognize the main warning signs of each major type of child abuse

3) Identify the characteristics of the average child abuser

4) Report child abuse to the proper authorities

5) Start making families and homeschooling communities safer

6) Engage in continuing education about child abuse prevention issues

This curriculum is a free service provided by HARO. Both the instructor guide as well as the attendee handouts may be printed and reproduced in entirety for educational purposes provided no text is altered and proper attribution is given to HARO. You are welcome to make as many copies of the guide and handouts as your community needs.

Our awareness program begins with general issues — what the different types of child abuse are and the warning signs — and then looks at each major type of child abuse specifically: physical, sexual, neglect, and emotional. We also dedicate entire sections to sibling and institutional abuse. We believe that any adequate curriculum about child abuse prevention needs to shine a light on all abuse types, not just the most visible types of sexual or physical abuse. Since children will often experience more than one type of abuse at a time, a broad-based and interconnected approach to abuse prevention is absolutely necessary.

This curriculum is lecture- and discussion-based. Each section includes an exact and detailed script for you to read out loud to your event’s attendees. This script corresponds to the attendee packets. At the end of each sections are “Discussion Questions” to encourage group participation. There is also a test you can administer at the end of the class.

To download HARO’s Child Abuse Awareness 101 for Homeschoolers curriculum for free, click the links below:

Download the Instructor Guide | Download the Attendee Packet


Author: The HARO Team